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My attempt at putting onto paper the following:

  1. Why I believe - what evidence, what personal experiences
  2. Areas that I want to work on my understanding for understanding the nuances and interpretations of certain things

My goal for this is to be updated regularly, especially with inputs from thought_bot to capture transient pieces of information. Anything in red that are not in callouts (this box) are things that I SHOULD be but haven’t found the conviction for.


The Gospel

  1. We are sinful, by nature.
  2. Christ came to Earth, sinless, and died on the cross for our sins.
  3. He overcame death and defeated sin, risen to life on the third day after his death.
  4. Whoever believes in Him (Christ, as the one and only Son), shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Why do I believe?

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Easy to ramble on, need to make sure to keep it sharp and sweet!


Guiding Principles