Matthew 3:13-17

Immersed into identity

Why is self definition as an expressive individual paradoxical? Our lives can be oppressive and pressurising

  1. What is Jesus baptism about
    1. Jesus role in baptism as a substitute
    2. Jesus is following in Israel steps but doing correctly
    3. Jesus baptism as an identification with Gods people
  2. What happened at Jesus baptism
    1. The Father affirms the identity of the Son
      1. Beyond superficial affirmation “This is my beloved son with whom I’m well pleased” Jesus is assuming the role of Gods son too
  3. What does it mean for us today
    1. Baptism as a physical tangible symbol
    2. When we are baptised we fully identify with Jesus
      1. We have the same r/s with the Father
    3. We are called to fulfill Gods purposes in the power of the spirit

